Per-Olof Åstrand

Publication list

 [Submitted papers] [ Papers published 2002][Other publications]

Papers published in international journals

  1. Åstrand P.-O., Karlström G., A bound HCl- species: an ab initio quantum-chemical study, Chem. Phys. Lett. 175, 624-628, 1990
  2. Åstrand P.-O., Wallqvist A., Karlström G., On the basis set superposition error in the evaluation of water dimer interactions, J. Phys. Chem. 95, 6395-6396, 1991
  3. Åstrand P.-O., Wallqvist A., Karlström G., Intermolecular interactions of urea and water, J. Chim. Phys. 88, 2457-2464, 1991
  4. Åstrand P.-O., Wallqvist A., Karlström G., Linse P., Properties of urea-water solvation calculated from a new ab initio polarizable intermolecular potential, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 8419-8429, 1991
  5. Åstrand P.-O., Karlström G., Local polarizability calculations with localized orbitals in the uncoupled Hartree-Fock approximation, Mol. Phys. 77, 143-155, 1992
  6. Engdahl A., Nelander B., Åstrand P.-O., Complex formation between water and formamide, J. Chem. Phys. 99, 4894-4907, 1993
  7. Åstrand P.-O., Wallqvist A., Karlström G., Nonempirical intermolecular potentials for urea-water systems, J. Chem. Phys. 100, 1262-1273, 1994
  8. Mikkelsen K. V., Linse P., Åstrand P.-O., Karlström G., Molecular dynamics simulation of the solvation of benzene anion. Structural and dynamical aspects, J. Phys. Chem. 98, 8209-8215, 1994
  9. Åstrand P.-O., Wallqvist A., Karlström G., Molecular dynamics simulations of 2 m aqueous urea solutions, J. Phys. Chem. 98, 8224-8233, 1994
  10. Åstrand P.-O., Karlström G., Engdahl A., Nelander B., Novel model for calculating the intermolecular part of the infrared spectrum for molecular complexes, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 3534-3554, 1995
  11. Åstrand P.-O., Linse P., Karlström G., Molecular dynamics study of water adopting a potential function with explicit atomic dipole moments and anisotropic polarizabilities, Chem. Phys. 191, 195-202, 1995
  12. Wallqvist A., Åstrand P.-O., Liquid densities and structural properties of molecular models of water, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 6559-6565, 1995
  13. Åstrand P.-O., Mikkelsen K. V., Calculation of nuclear shielding constants and magnetizabilities of the hydrogen fluoride molecule, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 648-653, 1996
  14. Engkvist O., Åstrand P.-O., Karlström G., Intermolecular potential for the 1,2-dimethoxyethane-water complex, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 6950-6957, 1996
  15. Åstrand P.-O., Mikkelsen K. V., Ruud K., Helgaker T., Magnetizabilities and nuclear shielding constants of the fluoromethanes in the gas phase and solution, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 19771-19782, 1996
  16. Ruud K., Åstrand P.-O., Helgaker T., Mikkelsen K. V., Full CI calculations of the magnetizability and rotational g factor of the hydrogen molecule, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 388, 231-235, 1996
  17. Åstrand P.-O., Ruud K., Mikkelsen K. V., Helgaker T., The magnetizability anisotropy and rotational g factor of deuterium hydride and the deuterium molecule, Chem. Phys. Lett. 271, 163-166, 1997
  18. Nymand T. M., Åstrand P.-O., Mikkelsen K. V., Chemical shifts in liquid water calculated by molecular dynamics simulations and shielding polarizabilities, J. Phys. Chem. B 101, 4105-4110, 1997
  19. Åstrand P.-O., Ruud K., Mikkelsen K. V., Helgaker T., Electric and magnetic properties of the nitroethene molecule, Mol. Phys. 92, 89-96, 1997
  20. Nymand T. M., Åstrand P.-O., Electric field-gradient contributions to the chemical shifts of liquid water, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 8332-8338, 1997
  21. Nymand T. M., Åstrand P.-O., Calculation of the geometry of the water molecule in liquid water, J. Phys. Chem. A 101, 10039-10044, 1997
  22. Rønne C., Thrane L., Åstrand P.-O., Wallqvist A., Mikkelsen K. V., Keiding S. R., Investigation of the temperature dependence of dielectric relaxation in liquid water by THz reflection spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation, J. Chem. Phys. 107, 5319-5331, 1997
  23. Åstrand P.-O., Mikkelsen K. V., Jørgensen P., Ruud K., Helgaker T., Solvent effects on nuclear shieldings and spin-spin couplings of hydrogen selenide, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 2528-2537, 1998
  24. Åstrand P.-O., Mikkelsen K. V., Atomic magnetizabilities of benzene and the fluoro- and chlorobenzenes, Magn. Reson. Chem. 36, 92-97, 1998
  25. Åstrand P.-O., Ruud K., Mikkelsen K. V., Helgaker T., Atomic charges of the water molecule and the water dimer, J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 7686-7691, 1998
  26. Sylvester-Hvid K. O., Åstrand P.-O., Ratner M. A., Mikkelsen K. V., Molecular polarizability: Are substituent contributions additive?, J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 1818-1821, 1999
  27. Rønne C., Åstrand P.-O., Keiding S. R., THz-spectroscopy of H2O(l) and D2O(l), Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2888-2891, 1999
  28. Åstrand P.-O., Ruud K., Mikkelsen K. V., Helgaker T., Rovibrationally averaged magnetizability, rotational g factor, and indirect spin-spin coupling of the hydrogen fluoride molecule, J. Chem. Phys., 110, 9463-9468, 1999
  29. Nymand T. M., Mikkelsen K. V., Åstrand P.-O., Billing G. D., Dynamical model for SN2 reactions in microsolution: The Cl- + CH3Cl -> ClCH3 + Cl- reaction. Molecular dynamics simulation of reaction clusters, Acta Chem. Scand. 53, 1043-1053, 1999
  30. Åstrand P.-O., Ruud K., Sundholm D., A modified variation-perturbation approach to zero-point vibrational motion, Theor. Chem. Acc. 103, 365-373, 2000
  31. Åstrand P.-O., Ruud K., Taylor P. R., Calculation of the vibrational wave function of polyatomic molecules, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 2655-2667, 2000
  32. Ruud K., Åstrand P.-O., Taylor P. R., An efficient approach for calculating vibrational wave function parameters and zero-point vibrational corrections to molecular properties of polyatomic molecules, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 2668-2683, 2000
  33. Jensen L., Åstrand P.-O., Sylvester-Hvid K. O., Mikkelsen K. V., Frequency-dependent molecular polarizability calculated within an interaction model, J. Phys. Chem. A. 104, 1563-1569, 2000
  34. Åstrand P.-O., Ramanujam P. S., Hvilsted S., Bak K. L., Sauer S. P. A., Ab initio calculation of the electronic spectrum of azobenzene dyes and its impact on the design of optical data storage materials, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 3482-3487, 2000
  35. Åstrand P.-O., Sommer-Larsen P., Hvilsted S., Ramanujam P. S., Bak K. L., Sauer S. P. A., Five-membered rings as diazo components in optical data storage devices: An ab initio investigation of the lowest singlet excitation energies, Chem. Phys. Lett. 325, 115-119, 2000
  36. Pötschke D., Hickl P., Ballauff M., Åstrand P.-O., Pedersen J. S., Analysis of the conformation of worm-like chains by small-angle scattering: Monte-Carlo simulations in comparison to analytical theory, Macromol. Theory Simul. 9, 345-353, 2000
  37. Brdarski S., Åstrand P.-O., Karlström G., The inclusion of electron correlation in intermolecular potentials: Applications to the formamide dimer and liquid formamide, Theor. Chem. Acc. 105, 7-14, 2000
  38. Jensen L., Schmidt O. H., Mikkelsen K. V., Åstrand P.-O., Static and frequency-dependent  polarizability tensors for carbon nanotubes, J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 10462-10466, 2000
  39. Engkvist O., Åstrand P.-O., Karlström G., Accurate intermolecular potentials obtained from molecular wave functions: Bridging the gap between quantum chemistry and molecular simulations, Chem. Rev. 100, 4087-4108, 2000
  40. Nymand T. M., Linse P., Åstrand P.-O., A comparison of effective and and polarizable intermolecular potentials in simulations: Liquid water as a test case, Mol. Phys. 99, 335-348, 2001
  41. Ruud K., Taylor P. R., Åstrand P.-O., Zero-point vibrational effects on optical rotation, Chem. Phys. Lett. 337, 217-223, 2001
  42. Ruud K., Åstrand P.-O., Taylor P. R., Zero-point vibrational effects on proton shieldings: Functional-group contributions from ab initio calculations, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 4826-4833, 2001
  43. Åstrand P.-O., Bak K. L., Sauer S. P. A., Ab initio calculations on 2-imidazolyl-2-thiazolyl azo compounds - an investigation of potential near-infrared absorbing structures, Chem. Phys. Lett. 343, 171-177, 2001
  44. Jensen L.,  Åstrand P.-O., Mikkelsen K. V., An atomic capacitance-polarizability model for the calculation of molecular dipole moments and polarizabilities, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 84, 513-522, 2001
  45. Kongsted J., Osted A., Jensen L., Åstrand P.-O., Mikkelsen K. V., Frequency-dependent polarizability of boron nitride nanotubes: A theoretical study, J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 10243-10248, 2001
  46. Ruud K., Åstrand P.-O., Taylor P. R., Molecular magnetizabilities: Zero-point vibrational effects and the breakdown of Pascal's rule, J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 9926-9930, 2001
  47. Jensen L., Åstrand P.-O., Osted A., Kongsted J., Mikkelsen K. V., Polarizability of molecular clusters as calculated by a dipole interaction model, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 4001-4010, 2002

Submitted papers

Other publications

Last modified 27/February/2002 by Per-Olof Åstrand