Lectures on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems

April 25 - May 5, 2000
Niels Bohr Institute, Auditorium U, Blegdamsvej 17
University of Copenhagen

Funded by The Danish Research Academy through the Graduate School of Biophysics and the Graduate School of Nonlinear Science

Organizing committee: Sune Danø, Erik Mosekilde and Preben Graae Sørensen

Tuesday (25-4):

9:00-9:30       Introduction                                 Preben Graae Soerensen *

9:30-12:00      Basic concepts                               Axel Hunding *

12:00-13:00     Lunch

13:00-14:00     Biology of brain cells                       Ole Kiehn +

14:00-15:00     System Theory                                Erik Mosekilde #
                How to construct a model

15:00-16:30     Introduction to computer exercises
                Organization of student contributions

Wednesday (26-4):

9:00-11:30      Basic concepts in                            Carsten Knudsen #
                Nonlinear Dynamics

11:30-12:30     Describing nephron function                  Niels Henrik Holstein-Rathlou @
                by methods from NLD

12:30-13:30     Lunch

13:30-16:00     Exercises in nonlinear dynamics              Carsten Knudsen #

Thursday (27-4):

9:00-10:00      Oscillations in chemical                     Finn Hynne *

10:00-11:00     Introduction to spatial                      Axel Hunding *
                Structures (Turing etc.)

11:00-12:00     Lunch

12:00-17:00     Symposium: Applications of                   Danish Biochemical Society
                Green Fluorescent Protein
                (GFP) in Biology and Medicine

                Takes place at Auditorium 2, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej 9

Friday (28-4):

9:00-12:30      Introduction to the conti-                   Mads Ipsen §, Anders Bisgaard *
                nuation software CONT and

12:30-13:30     Lunch

13:30-14:45     Front propagation and waves in               Preben Graae Sørensen *
                reaction-diffusion systems

14:45-16:30     Student contributions

Monday (1-5):

9:00-11:00      Pattern formation in reaction                Axel Hunding *
                diffusion systems with
                biological examples

11:00-12:30     Exercises in continuation                    Mads Ipsen §, Anders Bisgaard *

12:30-13:30     Lunch

13:30-16:00     Exercises in continuation                    Mads Ipsen §, Anders Bisgaard *
                and in the use of amplitude                  Preben Graae Sørensen *

16:00-17:00     Student contributions

Tuesday (2-5):

9:00-11:00      Classical methods of syncro-                 Erik Mosekilde #
                nization, Arnold tongues, devils
                staircase, suppression of
                internal dynamics, bioexamples

11:00-12:30     Amplitude equations                          Mads Ipsen §

12:30-13:30     Lunch

13:30-16:00     Exercises in continuation                    Mads Ipsen §, Anders Bisgaard *
                and in amplitude equations                   Preben Graae Sørensen *

16:00-17:00     Student contributions

Wednesday (3-5):

9:00-10:00      Coupled chaotic maps                         Erik Mosekilde #

10:00-11:15     Use of network theory for                    Finn Hynne *
                modelling chemical and
                biological systems

11:15-12:30     Student contributions

12:30-13:30     Lunch

13:30-15:30     Discussion of perspectives                   Per Amstrup Pedersen $
                and relevance of selected

Thursday (4-5):

9-12:30         Fractal growth phenomena and                 Mitsugu Matsushita ¤
                pattern morphology

12:30-13:30     Lunch

13:30-15:00     Bioreactors                                  Steen Bay Jørgensen %

15:00-16:30     Exercises in continuation                    Mads Ipsen §, Anders Bisgaard *
                and in amplitude equations                   Preben Graae Sørensen *

Friday (5-5):

9:00-12:30      Chaotic dynamics in experi-                  Hans Braun &
                mental neural data and computer

12:30-13:30     Lunch

13:30-16:00     Exercises on growth phenomena                Mitsugu Matsushita ¤

#: Physics Department & CATS, Technical University of Denmark
*: Dept. of Chemistry & CATS, University of Copenhagen
+: Section of Neurophysiology, University of Copenhagen
@: Department of Medical Physiology, University of Copenhagen
$: LCMF, August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen
¤: Department of Physics, Chuo University
&: Institute of Physiology, University of Marburg
§: Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin
%: Department of Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark