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A special variable $LANGUAGE_TITLES in the initialisation or configuration files determines the language in which some section titles will appear. For example setting it to
$LANGUAGE_TITLES = 'french';
will cause LATEX2HTML to produce ``Table des matières'' instead of ``Table of Contents''. Furthermore, the value of the \today command is presented in a format customary in that language.

The only languages currently supported are french, english and german but it is trivial to add support for another language in the file latex2html.config. As a guide here is the entry for the French titles:

sub french_titles {
    $toc_title = "Table des mati\{\`e}res";
    $lof_title = "Liste des figures";
    $lot_title = "Liste des tableaux";
    $idx_title = "Index";
    $bib_title = "R\{\'e}f\{\'e}rences";
    $abs_title = "R\{\'e}sum\{\'e}";
    $pre_title = "Pr\{\'e}face";
    $app_title = "Annexe";
    $info_title = "\{\`A}propos de ce document...";
    @Month = ('', 'janvier', 'f\{\'e}vrier', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai',
              'juin', 'juillet', 'ao\{\^u}t', 'septembre', 'octobre',
              'novembre', 'd\{\'e}cembre');
    $GENERIC_WORDS = "a|au|aux|mais|ou|et|donc|or|ni|car"
        . "|l|la|le|les|c|ce|ces|un|une|d|de|du|des";

The $GENERIC_WORDS are a list of short words excluded when filenames are specially requested to be created from section-headings.
change_end 98.1
In order to provide full support for another language you may also replace the navigation buttons which come with LATEX2HTML (by default in English) with your own. As long as the new buttons have the same file-names as the old ones, there should not be a problem.

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