will cause LATEX2HTML to produce ``Table des matières'' instead of ``Table of Contents''. Furthermore, the value of the \today command is presented in a format customary in that language.$LANGUAGE_TITLES = 'french';
The only languages currently supported are
english and
but it is trivial to add support for another language in the
file latex2html.config.
As a guide here is the entry for the French titles:
sub french_titles { $toc_title = "Table des mati\{\`e}res"; $lof_title = "Liste des figures"; $lot_title = "Liste des tableaux"; $idx_title = "Index"; $bib_title = "R\{\'e}f\{\'e}rences"; $abs_title = "R\{\'e}sum\{\'e}"; $pre_title = "Pr\{\'e}face"; $app_title = "Annexe"; $info_title = "\{\`A}propos de ce document..."; @Month = ('', 'janvier', 'f\{\'e}vrier', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', 'ao\{\^u}t', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'd\{\'e}cembre'); $GENERIC_WORDS = "a|au|aux|mais|ou|et|donc|or|ni|car" . "|l|la|le|les|c|ce|ces|un|une|d|de|du|des"; }